
I know it’s not a word in the dictionary but I use it to describe a mixture of creating a mental image and taking action to physically create a vision board to help keep our day to day focus on the vision we are working towards.

So many of us when we are feeling tired, under the weather, mentally, emotionally or physically exhausted find it so difficult to keep our thoughts on achieving what we desire, instead we keep our focus on our problems.

The art of visualizing our desired outcome is a really useful tool that we can all develop as we become more aware of our current thoughts and feelings. Being aware of our everyday thought patterns can help us to notice how often we keep our focus on our illness, stresses etc and with this awareness we can consciously choose to make more desirable choices.

In our minds we can see ourselves doing everyday tasks, whatever that may be for each individual. We are all different yet these simple creative tasks work for all of us.

As an example say you want to be able to enjoy a daily walk. From a creative visualisation perspective you can relax and see, sense, feel yourself walking easily and effortlessly in a garden. It is not important that you are unable to do this today and you are now beginning to create your future, so the focus is on what you desire, to enjoy a walk. Regular daily focus on this activity starts to re-train your thinking processes. And as your awareness grows you will notice how frequently you say or think the opposite – I can’t walk etc. So you are creating a stalemate situation. an awareness of your thoughts and keeping them focussed on what you want is the answer.

On to the board and how this can help you and it’s another way of keeping the focus on what you want. You will need – a piece of card, I usually use A3 or A4, coloured pencils, scissors, old magazines, catalogues, glue or sticky tape and a sense of fun producing this masterpiece.. Using the example of a walk in a garden look through various magazines and cut out pictures of garden paths, flowers, trees etc or whatever feels good to you. Find a picture of a person walking happily in a garden or decide you will draw a happy person and you don’t need artistic skills it’s the feeling we are after and stick people are wonderful for this exercise.

Fix the pictures on the card and add various other bits that feel good to you and you might draw a happy, smiley face or some words that are encouraging. How about writing an affirmation (see the books of Louise Hay) Just have lots of fun and enjoy creating your vision board.

When you have finished put it somewhere where you can easily see it. You will need to look at it everyday and create the feeling in your mind and body of you enjoying this walk. It provides a visual aid and used alongside your creative visualization helps to keep your focus on what you are now working towards. To-day your thoughts and actions are creating your future so please let your thoughts create the things you desire and laugh at yourself when you notice them wandering back onto what you don’t want. Just in the moment of noticing and laughing you are making wonderful new habit patterns for now and the future.

Carole Thornton

I will be running a workshop based on Visioning at Chelwood Gate on Sunday 14th April 2013. Together we will explore a variety of creative visualisation exercises, experience different meditation practises and create our own individual vision boards.

The workshop will run from 10am – 5pm

Cost  a £60 to include refreshments and light lunch, all materials used on the day and a comprehensive information folder.

To register for this workshop or to find out more information please contact Carole on 01825 740075

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